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[2005도5975]착오로 송금된 돈 다른 계좌 이체 -> 횡령죄

착오로 송금된 돈을 다른계좌로 이체 - 횡령죄 성립 서울시와 정부간 권한쟁의심판 [ 본 '판례 모음 게시판' 분류는 운영자가 중요하다고 생각해서 모아놓은 판례로 구성되어 있습니다. 판례의 중요성에는 작성자의 주관이 개입될 수 있습니다. ]

【대법원 2005. 10. 28. 선고 2005도5975 선고 판결】 


피고인이 자신 명의의 계좌에 착오로 송금된 돈을 다른 계좌로 이체하는 등 임의로 사용한 경우, 횡령죄가 성립한다고 한 원심의 판단을 수긍한 사례

피고인이 자신 명의의 계좌에 착오로 송금된 돈을 다른 계좌로 이체하는 등 임의로 사용한 경우, 횡령죄가 성립한다고 한 원심의 판단을 수긍한 사례.

형법 제355조 제1항

대법원 1968. 7. 24. 선고 66도1705 판결


  피고인      피고인
  상고인      피고인
  변호인      변호사 최재호
  원심판결     대구지법 2005. 7. 26. 선고 2005노773 판결

상고를 기각한다. 상고 후의 구금일수 중 80일을 본형에 산입한다.

상고이유를 본다.
원심이 유지한 제1심판결이 채용한 증거들을 기록에 의하여 살펴보면, 피고인 명의의 계좌에 2003. 3. 21. 추가로 송금된 3억 2,000만 원은 피해자측에서 착오로 송금한 것인 사실 및 피고인이 위 금액을 다른 계좌로 이체하는 등 임의로 사용한 사실을 확정하고 피고인의 행위를 횡령죄로 의율한 제1심판결을 그대로 유지한 조치는 수긍이 가고( 대법원 1968. 7. 24. 선고 66도1705 판결 참조), 거기에 상고이유의 주장과 같은 심리미진 내지 채증법칙 위배로 인한 사실오인이나 횡령죄에 있어서의 영득에 관한 법리오해 등의 위법이 없다.
그러므로 상고를 기각하고, 상고 후의 구금일수 중 80일을 본형에 산입하기로 하여 관여 법관의 일치된 의견으로 주문과 같이 판결한다.

대법관 박재윤  (재판장)  대법관 이규홍  (주심)  대법관 양승태  


이것도 아주 재미있는 판례중에 하나입니다..^^
착오로 송금된 돈을 다른 계좌로 이체하는경우에는 횡령죄가 성립된다는 판례입니다.
위의 판례에 대해 대략적으로 설명을 해보자면,
누군가의 착오로 A의 통장에 돈이 송금되었습니다.
A는 '아싸 좋구나'하면서 이 돈을 자신의 다른 통장으로 넣어버렸습니다. (그래도 바로 써버리기는 싫었나봅니다.)

보통 통장에 잘못들어온 돈을 사용하는 경우에는 점유이탈물 횡령죄가 성립된다는 말이 있었는데,
위의 경우는 자신의 다른 계좌로 옮겼다는 점 때문에 점유이탈물 횡령이 아닌, 횡령죄가 적용된것 같습니다.
(참고 : 점유이탈물 횡령죄보다 횡령죄가 더 무겁습니다.)
 emits Chlorobenzylidene malonitrile or CS. CS is a chemical agent that causes tearing in the eyes and irritation of the mucus membranes. Commonly known as tear gas, this agent causes people to lose visual acuity and have difficulty breathing. While under the influence of tear gas, suspects are at a significant disadvantagedeafened by the blast, including your own squad mates. However, targets wearing flash suppression goggles won’t be affected. During this time, SWAT has a significant tactical advantage over the affected persons. Flashbangs are designed so that they will not fragment upon detonation. However they can cause serious injury if detonated occurs in close proximity toStinger, is filled with many small rubber balls. Upon detonation, these balls are ejected from the grenade, bombarding targets with blunt force projectiles. The rubber balls will not penetrate the skin but can cause dizziness, disorientation and severe pain fromused for riot control, handheld pepper spray canisters can be an effective tool for subduing uncooperative targets. The active ingredient in pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum or OC. OC is an inflammatory agent that causes the eyes to swell up and close. It also causes a burning sensation on any exposed skin. Due to its limited range and area of effect, it is best used in addition to otherhandgun is largely made of high-tech polymer plastics. This construction results in a weapon that is incredibly easy to handle and manipulate. Although less powerful than the Colt M1911, it boasts a 17-round magazine. Its ease of use, accuracy and "safe-action" trigger has made it a popular choice for law enforcement agencies.works on the principal of Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD). It fires small electrodes into the target and then sends a powerful electric charge down the thin wires. The EMD effect causes involuntary contraction of the target's muscle tissue regardless of an individual's pain tolerance or mental focus. The effect is painful and demoralizing to even the most aggressive suspects.The Tintroduced in 1955. It is chambered for the powerful .357 Magnum ammunition making it one of the most powerful hand guns on the market. Its power is offset by its slow rate of fire and arduous reload. It also it is not equipped with a tactical flashlight.handgun has been a mainstay in law enforcement for decades. This .45 caliber weapon packs a powerful punch and is the most commonreliable submachine gun that was developed in the early fifties in Israel. It has a very high rate of fire and can be hard to control when fired in full-auto mode. This model is equipped with a suppressor, making it a good choice for stealth. Since the weapon is not normally used by SWAT, it is not equipped with adeveloped in the Soviet Union in 1947 and became standard issue in the Soviet army in 1951. It has remained in service in many third-world armies as well as terrorist organizations around the world due to its dependability and the ease with which it can be maintained. It has a slower rate of fire and lower muzzle velocity than the Colt M4A1, but it uses a higher-caliber bullet which makes it comparable to its American counterpart at short ranges. Since the weapon is not normally used bylightweight, full-sized assault rifle originally developed in the 1990s for the German Bundeswehr. It is now world-renowned as an incredibly reliable all-around assault rifle. Firing a mid-sized 5.56mm rifle round, this weapon is equipped with a fire mode selector allowing for a 2-round burst as well as fully-automatic firing.tactical shotgun is a highly reliable 12-gauge shotgun that has proven itself time and again in the field. This model features an auto loader, allowing for semiautomatic firing of its five-round magazine. This powerful weapon is capable of dealing extreme damage quickly and accurately. It has only two drawbacks: its bulk can make it difficult to handle in close quarters,Benelli, the Nova pump is the top of the line in pump-action shotguns. Although it fires a bit slower than the semiautomatic M4 Super 90, its attached magazine extender allows the Nova pump to hold up to 8 shells at one time. M4 Super 90 The Benelli M4 Super 90 tactical shotgunloaded with less-than-lethal beanbag rounds. It is most often used on an uncooperative suspect or civilian. The specially-designated less-lethal shotgun is necessary to eliminate errors that can occur from individually loading lethal or less-than-lethal munitions into the same weapon. To remind the operators that this particular weapon is only to be loaded with less-than-lethal ammunition, it has been painted green. The beanbag ammunition provides a powerful blunt force impact on the target. This causes extreme pain and disorientationbased on technology originally designed for recreational paintball. Compressed (Default Key: HOME). When controlling your officers through their viewports, you can give commands remotely and employobjectives are completed, a message will appear to notify you that the mission can be finished. To end the mission, press the ESCAPE key and click the DEBRIEF button. It is recommended that you secure all weapons and report all statuses to TOC before debriefing to increase your final score. If you fail any mission objectives, you can end the mission in the same way or you can keep